Confidence plays a big role in performance. Studies prove that confidence is key to pro athletes on the field, and it stands to reason that it would also apply elsewhere. Salt Lake City’s Fulcrum Labs cites research that shows positive links between confidence and athletic performance, parenting, job satisfaction, and even academic accomplishments.
Perhaps this is why the company incorporates data science into its competency-based adaptive learning platform. They understand what data shows about the human brain and how it learns. They understand that a learning platform that builds confidence – in addition to imparting knowledge – will achieve better results.
Confidence Improves Performance
Data science improves corporate training when it is incorporated into a learning platform designed to boost confidence. The combination of learning mastery and increased confidence subsequently improves on-the-job performance. Thus, data science is critical to developing corporate training that actually works.
According to Fulcrum Labs, there are four distinct things that can improve confidence in the training environment:
- Repeated practice
- Constructive feedback
- Past success
- Positive mindsets
Working all four of these things into an adaptive learning platform results in a training environment that does more than merely pass on information. It encourages learners to take ownership of their own training so that, as they succeed, they also gain confidence. More confidence means better performance in the long run.
Confidence Building Techniques
Data science offers a lot of insight into building an effective adaptive learning platform. For example, data science is that which led Fulcrum Labs to introduce what they call Behavioral and Knowledge Mapping (BKM). It is a tool that provides adaptivity and predictive analytics to deliver a one-on-one learning experience in an electronic delivery format.
There are other science-based techniques that can also be built into adaptive learning to achieve better results:
- Competency-Based Learning – The competency model does not allow learners to move on to the next topic of a given course until such a time that they have proved mastery of the current topic. Adequate practice accomplishes mastery.
- Self-Direction – Learners given the opportunity to direct their own learning paths take ownership of their training. They create a much more positive and productive experience for themselves.
- Personalized Feedback – Incorporating personalized feedback affords the opportunity for learners to truly understand and master content rather than just memorizing facts in order to pass a test.
- Adaptive Assessments – Adaptive assessments combine practice and application that automatically adjusts to account for learner ability and content difficulty. Learners achieve confidence-boosting success more often, which leads to greater mastery.
All five of these confidence building techniques are rooted in data science. They are rooted in an understanding of how the brain works to learn, retain, and master information. And because they are rooted in science, they actually work.
No More Haphazard Training
When data science is built into corporate training, there is less of a tendency to approach training haphazardly. L&D teams are no longer left to focus only on content volume. Management is not left to measure training success by the number of employees who have managed to complete courses.
Data science shows us how the human brain works. It shows us how we can improve learning and mastery by tapping into the brain’s normal functions. It shows us that competency-based, adaptive learning is far superior to the old memorization model.
What happens when data science is integrated into corporate training? That training actually accomplishes something. It adds value to both the company and its individual team members. A learning platform rooted in data science increases competency, encourages self-direction, and leads to mastery.